Due to the current shortage of lead and zinc oxide resources, the industry in the country faces a problem of insufficient raw materials. The inability to establish hydrometallurgical units capable of processing lead and zinc sulfide resources is the cause of this issue. A significant amount of lead and zinc sulfide resources, after ore dressing and flotation, were exported out of the country, and their processing domestically was feasible only in a few limited units.
The Faramine Asia Mining Industrial Group, leveraging its experience in furnace construction and absorption systems, undertook the design of a unit to convert lead and zinc sulfide ores into oxides. This industrial unit for roasting lead and zinc sulfide resources was established by Faramine Asia Mining Industrial Group in 2023. Achievements of this production line include high efficiency and complete treatment of the furnace exhaust gases. Despite the use of lead and zinc sulfide minerals, the exhaust gases from the roasting furnaces are fully captured. This results in no environmental pollution, making the process environmentally friendly.