Microscopic section study

Microscopic section studies typically include petrography and mineralography. For this purpose, thin or polished sections of mineral samples are first prepared. These sections are then examined using a polarized light microscope with transmitted and reflected light.

Mineralogical sections mainly include thin sections, polished sections, thin polished sections, and double-polished sections. These sections are prepared according to the specific objectives of mineralogical analysis.


Mineralography, also known as Polish Section-Mineralography, involves the identification of ores using a polarized light microscope with reflected light. This technique is employed to determine the type of mineral, often metallic, present. The study focuses on identifying and classifying ores, examining the texture of ore deposits, understanding the paragenetic sequence of minerals, and exploring the formation processes of ore bodies.


Petrography (Thin Section-Petrography) involves the identification of minerals using a polarizing microscope and transmitted light. This technique determines the type and name of minerals present in a rock. In this method, thin sections of samples are prepared for examining texture, grain arrangement, and both primary and secondary porosity.

The Faramin Asia Industrial and Mining Group, utilizing state-of-the-art facilities and experienced experts, is ready to provide services in the field of microscopic studies of sections and mineralogy.