One method for chemical analysis of gold ores is aqua regia digestion. This method is capable of dissolving gold present in both oxidized and sulfide phases. Consequently, it often yields a higher grade compared to the cyanide method. However, aqua regia digestion is not applicable on an industrial scale. Therefore, laboratory results from this method are primarily used to determine the amount of gold present in both the oxidized and sulfide phases of the ore.

Aqua Regia Digestion of Gold Ores

For aqua regia digestion of gold ores, the mineral sample containing gold is first ground to a size of approximately 45 microns using crushing and milling equipment to achieve optimal liberation. The sample is then digested with aqua regia (3HCl-HNO₃) at 70°C for the necessary duration and subsequently filtered. The gold content is then assayed using atomic absorption spectroscopy in the laboratory of Faramin Asia Mining and Industrial Group.

Faramin Asia Mining and Industrial Group, utilizing modern analytical methods and state-of-the-art technology, is prepared to provide comprehensive laboratory services, including detailed analysis and precise assay of this valuable mineral.